The Fighting Zebras Football Booster Club and the entire High School Coaching Staff would like to thank each parent volunteer.   From practices to team bonding, from special events to away games, getting your athletes to all the functions, feeding them, helping with school work and trying to work and take care of your own families we understand that there is a lot that has to be done.  We also know that we could not have a season if there was not an army of volunteers to help us.  So again we truly appreciate all of your help and support to make sure the Fighting Zebras have a great season each and every year!!!



Note: Team dinners are held the Tuesday before a game, every week during the regular season. They are typically hosted by two or three families together at someone's home or a park. The families are responsible for buying/cooking/feeding the whole team. This is something that we as parents can do to foster a family atmosphere and a sense of camaraderie amongst the players heading into game week. Please list hosts names in the (2) signups as well as the address where the dinner will be held. Please use TBD in the comments section if you are not yet sure of a location and then update your signup later.




Hosting team dinners does not fulfill volunteer hours.


Thanks to all our parents for volunteering, without you we could not run a successful program!!

Just a few reminders when signing up to volunteer:
  • Parents/Guardians who volunteer will need to arrive 10 minutes prior to the start of their shift and sign in with the volunteer coordinator.
  • You must be 18 years or older to volunteer, unless a request for exception is made to the Board.
  • Please list a phone number that you can be reached at on the day of your event.
  • You must cancel 72 hours prior to your scheduled event, so we have time to find a replacement.
  • Each football player is required to have a Parent/Guardian complete 8 hours of volunteer time.
  • You must still pay entry to any event at the school that you are volunteering at. This is mandated by the school.
If you have any questions, please send an e-mail to
Thank you again for your time and support! Go Zebras!!!